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About Marc Bifano

AS, Exercise Science
Kettlebell Certified
Black Belt Kenpo
Blue Belt Ricardo Almeida Brazilian jiu jitsu

I have been active my entire life, I played sports since I was 5 years old.  Exercise has always inspired me.  Although I was usually last to be chosen on sports teams as a youth, that didn't deter me.  As I got older exercise motivated me to be a better person and inspired me to show the world that I am made of something great.  I have been personal training for 5 years and I know without a doubt how important proper health is and how vital exercise is to health.  As I have grown over the past few years running this company I learned how much I love being a part of others success and I hope that the life lessons learned from the never give up mentality helps shape the way for many many others.  My  belief behind the cornerstone method is that everyone has the tools within themselves to succeed at anything they do as long as they have a strong foundation.  We are that strong foundation, learning through growing a business, exercise/martial arts and alot of reading and study has shown me that people really can create and achieve great. First they must believe they can and they must see it, they must want it more than anything.  There was a time in my life were I was self conscious, doubtful and very afraid that I had no purpose and my future would be dark.  It took exercise and challenging myself to start believing I was capable and  As I became more healthy, I became more productive.  It showed me how to push through the hard times and the lessons I learned transferred to my everyday life, and I can promise that I will always remain this sincere in my work.

3635 Quakerbridge Road Hamilton Township, NJ 08619

​Call: 609 234 7174


Personal Trainer Mercer County